Animalia User Manual
This is a common guide for all our new animals. We will try to get them out asap, but with a good and comparable feature set. Still a feature or animation may be initially missing, so let us know it’s important for you. Actually, send us all your requests and ideas ? What you should find in the package:
* mesh of the animal in male and female version or male and young * version of the animals with thin and strong morph targets * materials and textures * LODs * growing set of animations * fully setup physics * all the data required for gFur setup * examples
Meshes are located in “Content\Animals\AnimalName\Meshes”. We are using suffix “_F” for female version of the animal, “_M” for male version and “_Y” for the young one. Suffix “_StrThin” denotes mesh version with “Thin” and “Strong” morph targets. Subfolder “LODs” contains the lods for the main mesh.
Main materials are located in “Content\Animals\AnimalName\Materials”. Standard material is called same way as the animal mesh + “-MAT”, for example “AnimalName_F-MAT”. Materials are already assigned to the meshes. There is a material with suffix “_Tess”, for example “AnimalName_M_Tess-MAT”. This material is setup to use hardware tessellation. This material should be used only if gFur is not used. Materials have a few parameters that you can use to tweak the look:
* Albedo – uses texture map for the albedo (previously known as diffuse) * Albedo Power – can change the contrast of the albedo texture * Albedo Colour – tints the albedo texture with single colour * Roughness – greyscale (and ideally linear) texture that says which parts of the mesh are shiny/reflective (black) and which are matt (white) * Roughness Offset – changes brightness of the “Roughness” texture by adding or subtracting a constant value (which is then clamped to 0-1) * Roughness Power – can change the contrast of the “Roughness” texture * Normal – texture used as normal map * Normal Strength – changes the intensity of the normal map * Metallic – how metal-like is the surface (usually 0 with animals) * Tessellation – How much tessellation should be applied. Higher values = more triangles.
Main textures are located in “Content\Animals\AnimalName\Textures”. Textures are using similar naming scheme as meshes and materials.